Health Cloud Medications System API - Implementation Template

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Developer guide

Medications Dev Guide

The US-Core Medications application uses the following DataWeave modules to map between HealthCloud and FHIR formats.

fhirtoolsfhirtools DataWeave library (dw::Immunization::fhirtools) contains functions used for converting HealthCloud data into FHIR format.
fhirtoolsfhirtools DataWeave library (dw::Medication::fhirtools) contains functions used for converting HealthCloud data into FHIR format..
fhirtoolsfhirtools DataWeave library (dw::MedicationRequest::fhirtools) contains functions used for converting HealthCloud data into FHIR format..
fhirtoolsfhirtools DataWeave library (dw::MedicationStatement::fhirtools) contains functions used for converting HealthCloud data into FHIR format..
upsertGetRequestsThis module (dw::Immunization::upsertGetRequests) defines functions needed to convert a FHIR Immunization resource into it's representation within Health Cloud.
upsertGetRequestsThis module (dw::Medication::upsertGetRequests) defines functions needed to convert a FHIR Medication resource into it's representation within Health Cloud.
upsertGetRequestsThis module (dw::MedicationRequest::upsertGetRequests) defines functions needed to convert a FHIR MedicationRequest resource into it's representation within Health Cloud.
upsertGetRequestsThis module (dw::MedicationStatement::upsertGetRequests) defines functions needed to convert a FHIR MedicationStatement resource into it's representation within Health Cloud.


fhirtools DataWeave library (dw::Immunization::fhirtools) contains functions used for converting HealthCloud data into FHIR format.

Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/Immunization/fhirtools.dwl


fun getResponse (objRLU)

Generates the FHIR response with the provided Immunization Object.

param objRLU is the Immunization object to map.
return A HealthCloud Immunization response.

fun getLinkSelf ()

Gets the URL to the current web resource.

return A string with the self link.

fun getEntryUrl (item: Object)

Gets the URL for the entry provided.

param item is an object with the item that's being returned.
return A string with the entry URL.

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fhirtools DataWeave library (dw::Medication::fhirtools) contains functions used for converting HealthCloud data into FHIR format..

Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/Medication/fhirtools.dwl


fun getResponse (objRLU)

Generates the FHIR response with the provided Medication Object.

param objRLU is the Medication object to map.
return A HealthCloud Medication response.

fun getLinkSelf ()

Gets the URL to the current web resource.

return A string with the self link.

fun getEntryUrl (item: Object)

Gets the URL for the entry provided.

param item is an object with the item that's being returned.
return A string with the entry URL.

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fhirtools DataWeave library (dw::MedicationRequest::fhirtools) contains functions used for converting HealthCloud data into FHIR format..

Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/MedicationRequest/fhirtools.dwl


fun getResponse (objRLU)

Generates the FHIR response with the provided MedicationRequest Object.

param objRLU is the MedicationRequest object to map.
return A HealthCloud MedicationRequest response.

fun getLinkSelf ()

Gets the URL to the current web resource.

return A string with the self link.

fun getEntryUrl (item: Object)

Gets the URL for the entry provided.

param item is an object with the item that's being returned.
return A string with the entry URL.

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fhirtools DataWeave library (dw::MedicationStatement::fhirtools) contains functions used for converting HealthCloud data into FHIR format..

Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/MedicationStatement/fhirtools.dwl


fun getResponse (objRLU)

Generates the FHIR response with the provided MedicationStatement Object.

param objRLU is the MedicationStatement object to map.
return A HealthCloud MedicationStatement response.

fun getLinkSelf ()

Gets the URL to the current web resource.

return A string with the self link.

fun getEntryUrl (item: Object)

Gets the URL for the entry provided.

param item is an object with the item that's being returned.
return A string with the entry URL.

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This module (dw::Immunization::upsertGetRequests) defines functions needed to convert a
FHIR Immunization resource into it's representation within
Health Cloud.

Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/Immunization/upsertGetRequests.dwl


fun getResultIds (res)

This function takes the results of a Salesforce query and returns a list of IDs.

param res is a Salesforce query result.
return An array with a list of Ids found.

fun getImmunizationUpsert (fhirObj, codeSetBundleList, quantityUnitId)

Converts the provided Immunization FHIR object to the HealthCloud Immunization object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Immunization object.
param codeSetBundleList is the list of CodeSetBundle objects for the Immunization object
param quantityUnitId is a UnitCode from UnitOfMeasure object.
return HealthCloud Immunization upsert fields.

fun getImmunizationUpdate (fhirObj, codeSetBundleList, quantityUnitId)

Converts the provided Immunization FHIR object to the HealthCloud Immunization object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Immunization object.
param codeSetBundleList is the list of CodeSetBundle objects for the Immunization object
param quantityUnitId is a UnitCode from UnitOfMeasure object.
return HealthCloud Immunization update fields.

fun getCarePerformer (identifier, parentRecordId, CarePerformerParentsRoleId)

Converts the provided Immunization FHIR object to the HealthCloud CarePerformer object.

param identifier is a FHIR Identifier object.
param parentRecordId is the ImmunizationId
param CarePerformerParentsRoleId is the RoleId (CodeSetBundle)
return HealthCloud Immunization upsert fields.

fun getCodeSetUpsert (codeSetList)

Converts the provided Immunization FHIR object to the HealthCloud CodeSet object.

param codeSetList is the list of codeSet object.
return HealthCloud CodeSet upsert fields.

fun getCodeSetBundleUpsert (codeSetList, bundleType, name)

Converts the provided Immunization FHIR object to the HealthCloud CodeSetBundle object.

param codeSetList is the list of CodeSetBundle object.
param bundleType is for defining the CodeSetBundle type.
param name is for defining the name of the CodeSetBundle.
return HealthCloud CodeSetBundle upsert fields.

fun getIdentifierUpsert (identifier, parentRecordId, typeId)

Converts the provided Immunization FHIR object to the HealthCloud Identifier object.

param identifier is the list of Identifier object.
param parentRecordId is the associated Immunization Id
param typeId is the IdTypeId (CodesetBundle) of Identifier
return HealthCloud Identifier upsert fields.

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This module (dw::Medication::upsertGetRequests) defines functions needed to convert a
FHIR Medication resource into it's representation within
Health Cloud.

Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/Medication/upsertGetRequests.dwl


fun getResultIds (res)

This function takes the results of a Salesforce query and returns a list of IDs.

param res is a Salesforce query result.
return An array with a list of Ids found.

fun getMedicationUpsert (fhirObj, codeSetBundleList, quantityUnitId)

Converts the provided Medication FHIR object to the HealthCloud Medication object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Medication object.
param codeSetBundleList is the list of CodeSetBundle objects for the Medication object
param quantityUnitId is a UnitCode from UnitOfMeasure object. which references to UnitOfMeasure Object
return HealthCloud Medication upsert fields.

fun getMedicationUpdate (fhirObj, codeSetBundleList, quantityUnitId)

Converts the provided Medication FHIR object to the HealthCloud Medication object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR Medication object.
param codeSetBundleList is the list of CodeSetBundle objects for the Medication object
param quantityUnitId is a UnitCode from UnitOfMeasure object. which references to UnitOfMeasure Object
return HealthCloud Medication upsert fields.

fun getCodeSetUpsert (codeSetList)

Converts the provided Medication FHIR object to the HealthCloud CodeSet object.

param codeSetList is the list of codeSet object.
return HealthCloud CodeSet upsert fields.

fun getCodeSetBundleUpsert (codeSetList, bundleType, name)

Converts the provided Medication FHIR object to the HealthCloud CodeSetBundle object.

param codeSetList is the list of CodeSetBundle object.
param bundleType is for defining the CodeSetBundle type.
param name is for defining the name of the CodeSetBundle.
return HealthCloud CodeSetBundle upsert fields.

fun getIdentifierUpsert (identifier, parentRecordId, typeId)

Converts the provided Medication FHIR object to the HealthCloud Identifier object.

param identifier is the list of Identifier object.
param parentRecordId is the associated Medication Id
param typeId is the IdTypeId (CodesetBundle) of Identifier
return HealthCloud Identifier upsert fields.

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This module (dw::MedicationRequest::upsertGetRequests) defines functions needed to convert a
FHIR MedicationRequest resource into it's representation within
Health Cloud.

Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/MedicationRequest/upsertGetRequests.dwl


fun getResultIds (res)

This function takes the results of a Salesforce query and returns a list of IDs.

param res is a Salesforce query result.
return An array with a list of Ids found.

fun getMedicationRequestUpsert (fhirObj, codeSetBundleList)

Converts the provided MedicationRequest FHIR object to the HealthCloud MedicationRequest object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR MedicationRequest object.
param codeSetBundleList is the list of CodeSetBundle objects for the MedicationRequest object
return HealthCloud MedicationRequest upsert fields.

fun getMedicationRequestUpdate (fhirObj, codeSetBundleList)

Converts the provided MedicationRequest FHIR object to the HealthCloud MedicationRequest object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR MedicationRequest object.
param codeSetBundleList is the list of CodeSetBundle objects for the MedicationRequest object
return HealthCloud MedicationRequest update fields.

fun getPMDosageUpsert (fhirObj, codeSetBundleList, acc_QuantityUnitId_doseQuantity, acc_QuantityUnitId_rateQuantity, index, parentId)

Converts the provided dosageInstruction FHIR object to the HealthCloud PatientMedicationDosage object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR MedicationRequest object.
param codeSetBundleList is the List of codeSetBundle Ids
param acc_QuantityUnitId_doseQuantity is the List of doseQuantity Ids
param acc_QuantityUnitId_rateQuantity is the List of rateQuantity Ids
param index is PatientMedicationDosage index
param parentId is the ParentRecordId
return A HealthCloud MedicationRequest object.

fun getCodeSetUpsert (codeSetList)

Converts the provided MedicationRequest FHIR object to the HealthCloud CodeSet object.

param codeSetList is the list of codeSet object.
return HealthCloud CodeSet upsert fields.

fun getCodeSetBundleUpsert (codeSetList, bundleType, name)

Converts the provided MedicationRequest FHIR object to the HealthCloud CodeSetBundle object.

param codeSetList is the list of CodeSetBundle object.
param bundleType is for defining the CodeSetBundle type.
param name is for defining the name of the CodeSetBundle.
return HealthCloud CodeSetBundle upsert fields.

fun getIdentifierUpsert (identifier, parentRecordId, typeId)

Converts the provided MedicationRequest Identifier FHIR object to the HealthCloud Identifier object.

param identifier is the list of Identifier object.
param parentRecordId is the associated MedicationRequest Id
param typeId is the IdTypeId (CodesetBundle) of Identifier
return HealthCloud Identifier upsert fields.

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This module (dw::MedicationStatement::upsertGetRequests) defines functions needed to convert a
FHIR MedicationStatement resource into it's representation within
Health Cloud.

Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/MedicationStatement/upsertGetRequests.dwl


fun getResultIds (res)

This function takes the results of a Salesforce query and returns a list of IDs.

param res is a Salesforce query result.
return An array with a list of Ids found.

fun getmedicationStatementUpsert (fhirObj, codeSetBundleList, quantityUnitId)

Converts the provided MedicationStatement FHIR object to the HealthCloud MedicationStatement object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR MedicationStatement object.
param codeSetBundleList is the list of CodeSetBundle objects for the MedicationStatement object
param quantityUnitId is a UnitCode from UnitOfMeasure object.
return HealthCloud MedicationStatement upsert fields.

fun getmedicationStatementUpdate (fhirObj, codeSetBundleList, quantityUnitId)

Converts the provided MedicationStatement FHIR object to the HealthCloud MedicationStatement object.

param fhirObj is a FHIR MedicationStatement object.
param codeSetBundleList is the list of CodeSetBundle objects for the MedicationStatement object
param quantityUnitId is a UnitCode from UnitOfMeasure object.
return HealthCloud MedicationStatement update fields.

fun getCodeSetUpsert (codeSetList)

Converts the provided MedicationStatement FHIR object to the HealthCloud CodeSet object.

param codeSetList is the list of codeSet object.
return HealthCloud CodeSet upsert fields.

fun getCodeSetBundleUpsert (codeSetList, bundleType, name)

Converts the provided FHIR MedicationStatement object to the HealthCloud CodeSetBundle object.

param codeSetList is the list of CodeSetBundle object.
param bundleType is for defining the CodeSetBundle type.
param name is for defining the name of the CodeSetBundle.
return HealthCloud CodeSetBundle upsert fields.

fun getIdentifierUpsert (identifier, parentRecordId, typeId)

Converts the provided MedicationStatement FHIR object to the HealthCloud Identifier object.

param identifier is the list of Identifier object.
param parentRecordId is the associated MedicationStatement Id
param typeId is the IdTypeId (CodesetBundle) of Identifier
return HealthCloud Identifier upsert fields.

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Published by
MuleSoft Organization
Published onDec 14, 2022
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